Saturday, February 23, 2013

Elbow Patches Are Exciting

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Dress: F21 via Buffalo Exchange [Mary's]
Cardigan: F21 w/ iron-on Thatcher crest [$20]
Boots: Urban Outfitters [$20]
Belt: Thrift Store [25 cents]

Hooray for long dresses that add extra leg coverage, even if they induce clumsiness and tripping while walking up the subway steps! If the dress look slightly frumpy in the frontal area, that's because I had to manipulate the length to make it more appropriate for my frame, and in doing so, chose to forego streamlinededness and just deal with the pouf. So that's that. We have a House System at my school [think Harry Potter] and I'm in the illustrious house of the Iron Lady, hence the cardigan with ELBOW PATCHES. Oh, how I enjoy elbow patches. I just find them wildly entertaining, even though I have a hard time matching the patch to my elbow (working on that). And oh man, the little kids that have elbow patches? Gets me every time. Time to bring forth creative skills while watching The Royal Tenenbaums! Happy rainy Saturday to you! photo DSCN1636_zps3f9ebb74.jpg  photo DSCN1641_zpsc0f18938.jpg  photo 02260625-b753-43cb-ba5c-3c7af46d2b45_zps6aec5c18.jpg  photo 9392401d-87d3-4821-b97f-43c6fd564f3e_zpsbfaa5457.jpg  photo 581e08b1-bbf5-4c16-b87a-d6bab27ee077_zpsac41979c.jpg

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