Tuesday, February 19, 2013

It's a Beautiful Day in This Neighborhood

Yesterday my internship was let out early and the opportunity arose to go on a long-awaited walk down to the Brooklyn Bridge Park. They've been doing construction on the piers for a couple years now, and I can't wait for them to finish all the grand plans. Really though, I want them to finish before I'm done with college so I can bask in its beauty! If you ever get the chance, I highly suggest that you hightail it over to the park because it's a sight to be seen. It's always cool too, when people shoot commercials looking at the NY skyline and I know exactly where they were. So go and explore! And bring a book because it's pretty. And bring gloves, so your fingers don't freeze and fall off. And don't get in the way of runners, or you'll regret it immensely.
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