Thursday, February 14, 2013


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Dress: F21 [$17]
Shirt: Urban Outfitters [$5]
Tights: tights sample sale [$2]
Bracelet: Urban Outfitters [$2.50]
Backpack: Urban Outfitters [a gift from the Dais]
Boots: Costco [a gift]

I'm realizing now that I wore this exact same shirt and dress combo on Valentine's Day during senior year two years ago. Whaddaya know! Other than studying for Arts and Ideas and eating copious amounts of crockpot lasagna (the stuff is gold, I tell you), I don't have much of a Valentine's Day. Mostly because the boy is not in the vicinity, and also because I'm studying for Arts and Ideas and eating copious amounts of crockpot lasagna. And also because I need to make cookies tonight.

Still, today was cool because I got to see people come in and out of the Calvin Klein show across the street while interning and I may have freaked out a bit to see one of my favorite bloggers who is way too awesome and witty and clever, but that's another story. I tried to play it cool though, because my boss had no idea who I was talking about, but it was fantastic.

Tell people you love them today! And give them chocolate, because chocolate is good and true and beautiful. But mostly tell folks you love them!
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Photography by Mary Phaaaaaaaaam

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