Shirt: H&M via Buffalo Exchange [$3]
Skirt: F21 [$6]
Sneakers: old Vans
New camera pictures! It was an animal theme for the day. Although this H&M tank is being held apart by two heroic strands of thread, I love the fox print so much that I pray for the best every time I pull the thing through the arms and over the head. This leopard print skirt has been pretty abused in my closet too; I wore it every other day last summer and tore a hole the size of a football in it in the winter. After some finger stabbing and multiple re-dos, I finally stitched the hole back up. Thankfully, the print is busy enough to hide the fact that I did a horrendous job. Now it's off to Arizona to visit family, watch the Diamondbacks, eat a ton of delicious food, and die slowly of heat!
Photos by Ken
OMG!! Love the Vans tennies!! ;-)