Tank: Urban Outfitters [a Christmas gift from Jessica]
Shorts: Old Navy [$5]
Sneakers: FILA [from my mom from Costco]
I am neither sporty nor greatly athletic, but exercise is a-okay in my book for the most part. I never had the money, patience, or motivation to go to a gym, so that option was vetoed long ago. But you can easily get me to go hiking, throw a frisbee or football around, or bike for miles. Well, there may have to be a cold beverage as incentive, but still. And while my normal workout attire tends to revolve around old high school club t-shirts that have been properly cut apart and laundered to submission, I couldn't resist the gray and coral combo happenings. Forgive my expression in the last photos, I somehow always manage to look crazed in every captured aerial movement.
These photos were capture by Daisy
lol I love reading your blog aimee!! <333